Hi, I'm Martin

I'm a Web Developer

Martin Sundvall

Hi, I'm Martin

I'm a Web Developer

Adssets e-commerce solutions

Adssets e-commerce solutions

At adssets I developed both new products for advertising and the self-service system to add content to existing ones. Everything was done in pure javascript and css and reusability was improved by combinations of command line scripts and reusable functions.

The work included both legacy formats and new development for video and animated interactive content used for advertising. Many edge-cases occured when smartphones, native apps and browsers where combined. Most often the debugging was made with remote scripts.

Screenshot of interactive cube with advertisement in newspaper app.

Screenshot of interactive cube with advertisement in newspaper app.

A combination of video and images was created into a highly configurable format that could solve a large variation of usecases. The time events of the video triggered images to pop out and land on a scrollable slider, each with links and tracking data.
