Hi, I'm Martin

I'm a Web Developer

Martin Sundvall

Hi, I'm Martin

I'm a Web Developer


Code challenges and progress in frontend development.

Have you seen xss?

Laboration to see XSS occur in webform.

“Ok, I got the point about cross site scripting, but I want to see it.”

Xss occurs when webform input is converted into javascript and executed in the context of the site. The protection is “validation of input and sanitazon of output”. But, how, does this really occur? How can this be tested? This post examines this.

How angular solves the frontend problems

With the nose deep down in the context of an frontend application source code, it is important to remember why the framework is there and how to support its usage. As an example, data and logic is separated and flows through inputs, outputs and services. It is possible to pass data around in other ways, but then the tool is unintentionally used.

Tools and paradigms for development

A collection of very useful patterns and paradigms of angular application, collected from experience, articles and lectures. patterns and tools S in “SOLID” The principles of “SOLID” describes patterns to create reusable and testable code. The ‘S’ is ‘single responsibility principle’: a component should do one thing a method should do one thing a function should do one thing naming should follow the single task a description of the component, function or method should reflect this fact “O” in “SOLID” The “open-closed” principle.

Checklist for a maintainable angular application

As a developer in a new context, both in team and in code base, the task was to extend an existing feature. To accomplish this it was not unexpexted to spend some time on resarch and onboarding into the system of, in this case, 2000 files and 185 000 lines of code divided into 485 angular components. There could be numerous of ways to do this, like in person handover, documentation, well written tests and code following good standards.

Animated svg controlled by input slider

Crossbrowser svg animation created in raw svg markup inside angular component

Screenshot of animated svg controlled by custom styled input range form element.

Screenshot of animated svg controlled by custom styled input range form element.