Hi, I'm Martin

I'm a Web Developer

Martin Sundvall

Hi, I'm Martin

I'm a Web Developer

Tools and paradigms for development

3 minutes
March 21, 2023

A collection of very useful patterns and paradigms of angular application, collected from experience, articles and lectures.

patterns and tools

S in “SOLID”

The principles of “SOLID” describes patterns to create reusable and testable code. The ‘S’ is ‘single responsibility principle’:

“O” in “SOLID”

The “open-closed” principle.

‘I’ in “SOLID”

“Interface segregation”

declarative syntax

pure functions

Pure functions is set of rules to write functions without side effects. This concept extends to components and modules too.

flat objects

‘middleman’ refactoring

strict type checking

restrict the scope

use private scope

avoid hard to read nested if’s

remove hard coupled control of other components

style guide from angular